Podium luctuosum Smith 1856. This uncommon species
has been collected only in Livingston (ESGR), Kalamazoo and St.
Joseph counties. An inhabitant of mesic woodlands, it should be found
in other areas of the SLP. Podium luctuosum has been
infrequently collected from New York south to Texas, Missouri, and
Kansas (Krombein 1979). The Michigan records considerably extend the
known range.
BIOLOGY: These wasps prey on cockroaches, which, after being
paralyzed, are placed in simple mud-covered cells under bark flaps or
in pre-existing cavities in wood. Parcoblatta viriginica
(Brunner) and Parcoblatta uhleriana (Saussure) adults have
been recorded as prey (Pate 1949, Krombein 1967). Three species of
Parcoblatta occur in Michigan (Cantrall 1968) and are likely
prey of P. luctuosum. Females caught at the ESGR were hunting
amongst fallen branches in an oak woods, whereas the specimens from
Kalamazoo and St. Joseph counties were caught in Malaise traps.
COLLECTION DATES: Seven specimens, 15 June to 18 July.
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