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Isodontia auripes

Isodontia auripes (Fernald) 1906. This eastern U.S. species ranges as far west as Kansas, south to Texas (Krombein 1979). It is uncommon in Michigan, being restricted to the SLP.

BIOLOGY: Members of this genus are called the grass-carrying wasps due to their habit of using grass blades to partition cells and form closing plugs in their cavity nests. They are easily studied if trap-nests (Krombein 1967) are used, such as lengths of bamboo, or borings in wood placed in an open location. Isodontia auripes nests contain a single large brood chamber in which several larvae develop together (Krombein 1967, 1979). Krombein (1979) listed prey as various species of Oecanthus, Orocharis, Orchelimum, Neoxabea (Gryllidae); Conocephalus and Scudderia (Tettigoniidae). It appears that gryllids, especially those in the genus Oecanthus are most commonly taken.

FLOWER RECORDS: Melilotus alba.

COLLECTION DATES: 42 specimens, 3 July to 22 August, with most dates in late July.


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