

The following institutions provided bee hosts or mites specimens

• AMNH. USA, New York, New York, American Museum of Natural History.
• ANIC. Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra City, CSIRO, Australian National Insect Collection.
• CAS. USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences.
• CUIC. USA, New York, Ithaca, Cornell University.
• EMEC. USA, California, Berkeley, University of California, Essig Museum of Entomology
• GRSM (GSNP). USA, Tennessee, Gatlinburg, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
• INBI (INBC). Costa Rica, San José, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad.
• KU (KSBS). USA, Kansas, Lawrence, University of Kansas, State Biological Survey of Kansas.
• LACM. USA, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.
• LUND (MZLU). Sweden, Lund, Lund University.
• MSU (MEMU). USA, Mississippi, Mississippi, Mississippi State University.
• OSUC. Triplehorn Insect Collection, Ohio State University
• PCAM (INHS). USA, Illinois, Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey.
• SANC. South Africa, Pretoria, South African National Collection of Insects.
• UCD (UCDC). USA, California, Davis, University of California, R.M. Bohart Museum of Entomology.
• UCR. USA, California, Riverside, University of California.
• UMMZ. USA, Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology.
• UQIC. Australia, Queensland, St. Lucia, University of Queensland.
• USDA. USA, Maryland, Beltsville, United States Department of Agriculture/Systematic Entomology Laboratory.
• USNM. USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum].
• WAM (WAMP). Australia, Western Australia, Perth, Western Australian Museum.
We thank the following individuals

• Kristina K. Shpak who designed two our top-level web pages, Bee Mites and Identification of Bee Mites.
• George Hammond (University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) for valuable comments.
• Virginia Scott (Entomology University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, Colorado, USA) for checking some records in our database.