Fig. 1. Sennertia cerambycina, heteromorphic deutonymph, ex Xylocopa violacea, France (BMOC 05-0420-424). Click here to enlarge |
Bee Mites : Acari : Acariformes : Sarcoptiformes : Chaetodactylidae : Sennertia : Sennertia species
Sennertia cerambycina (Scopoli, 1763)
Pediculus Cerambycinus Scopoli, 1763: 386 (holotype not designated, syntypes presumed lost)
Sennertia cerambycina: Oudemans, 1905a: 22 (designated as type species of Sennertia); Vitzthum, 1919: 42 (comparison with S. morstatti, S. perturbans, S. caffra, S. horrida, and S. bifilis); Vitzthum, 1922: 63; Vitzthum, 1929: 77 (in key, Fig. 120 ("Sennertia cerambycina") is actually S. horrida); Vitzthum, 1933: 152; Vitzthum, 1941: 307; Eyndhoven, 1941: 325, Fig. 1; Eyndhoven, 1952: XXXIV; Skaife, 1952: 76; Grandi, 1963: 87 (record from Polochrum); Elbadry, 1971: 87 (comparison with HDN of Sennertia egyptiaca); Fain, 1971: 265 (comparison with HDN Sennertia mesotrichia); Grobov, 1978: 49 (review of historical records, indicating that this mite infest honeybees Apis mellifera visiting sunflowers and causing significant death of colonies in France and Russia); Wurst & Pfister, 1990: 161; Vicidomini & Meloni, 1999: 138; Vicidomini, 1997: 595; Vicidomini & Campadelli, 2005: 377; Vicidomini, 2007: 1; Klimov & OConnor, 2008: 225; Okabe et al., 2008: 1378
Sennertia (Sennertia) cerambycina: Fain, 1981a: 152, Figs 1, 4, 65 (redescription of HDN, included in key, cerambycina species-group assignment); Lombert et al., 1987: 113; Sennertia (Sennertia) cerambycina: OConnor, 1993a: 362 (genus-level character acquisition); Vicidomini, 1996: 71 (note on host associations)
Trichodactyle Xylocopae Donnadieu, 1868: 84, Figs 1, 3, 4, 7, 9; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1878: 205, Fig. 7.3; Mégnin, 1880: 147 (evidence presented that Trichodactylus may be a developmental stage of other free-living Astigmata); Berlese, 1884b: 12 (comparison of adults with Homopus, Dermacarus, and Trichodactylus anonymus); Berlese, 1885: XVIII, n. 1, Fig. 1 (description of HDN and adults from Italy; authorship inconsistently attributed to Donnadieu or Dugès); Canestrini & Berlese, 1885: 206, Figs 6.1-5 (authorship attributed to Dugès; description of HDN and adults); Canestrini, 1888a: 394, Fig. 36.1-6 (description of male, female, and HDN); Canestrini, 1888b: 23, Figs 2.7-9 (short description of adults and HDNs); Berlese, 1897: 105, Figs 4.4-5 (authorship cited as "(Dugès) Canestrini"; HDN included in key; Eutarsus cancriformis Hessling, 1852 (=Cheyletus eruditus (Schrank, 1781)) considered as junior synonym of Trichotarsus Xylocopae "Dugès, 1834" (p. 110)); Berlese, 1903a: 322 (short note on damage to host nest)
Sennertia xylocopae: Türk & Türk, 1957: 210, Fig. 163 (redescription, included in key)
Trichotarsus cerambycinus: Oudemans, 1905b: LXXX (redescription of HDN; considered as senior synonym of Trichotarsus xylocopae)
Trichodactylus xylocopae: Murray, 1877: 252 (part.), Fig. ; Berlese, 1892: fasc. LXV, n 1 (hyperphoresy of HDNs on males and females of mite Aeroglyphus peregrinans (as Glycyphagus peregrinans) (Aeroglyphidae); name given in plural form, Trichodacyli xylocopae); Canestrini, 1897: 474 (comparison with Sennertia bifilis HDN); Canestrini & Kramer, 1899: 149 (redescription of HDN and adults; HDN and females included in key); Tietze in Canestrini, 1899: 938 (authorship attributed to Dugès); Giard, 1900: 377 (included in key); Oudemans, 1900: 116 (comparison with HDNs of Trichotarsus japonicus and T. alfkeni); Oudemans, 1901: 81 (included in key, comparison with S. koptorthosomae); Oudemans, 1902: 44 (comparison with Trichotarsus hipposideros); Oudemans, 1903a: 147 (included in key, assigned to group D in Trichotarsus); Trägårdh, 1907: 12 (comparison with Trichotarsus antarcticus); Popovici-Baznosanu, 1913: 32; Vitzthum, 1912c: 232, Fig 17, 18; Vitzthum, 1912d: 292
Trichodactylus osmiae: Gervais, 1844: 266 (part., not distinguished from Chaetodactylus osmiae)
Misidentifications: Banks, 1902: 176 (Sennertia lucrosa)
Material (show database records).
Biology. Normally associated with Xylocopa (see below), feeding on the provisioned pollen in the bee nest. Rarely dead bee eggs and larvae can be found in the infested cells. However, it is unclear if the mite presence causes the death or the mite can kill the bee eggs or larvae directly (Vicidomini, 1996).
Adult bees of Xylocopa violacea extensively infested with S. cerambycina show slow flight, lack of precision in flying trajectories, difficult and imprecise landing, heavy take-off, and reduced feeding rates (Vicidomini, 1999). Phoretic mites may block the epinotal spiracles, causing asphyxia in the bee host (Vicidomini, 1999).
Duchemin (1886) reports death of 30 honeybee hives in France attributable to this mite. The mite infests honeybees visiting sunflowers, eventually causing death of colonies. Similar cases (e. g., death of honeybee colonies with the introduction of sunflower) were reported in Russia at the end of 19th - beginning of 20th century (reviewed Grobov, 1978). Experimental data suggesting that the mite is responsible for the death of bees are, however, absent.
Xylocopa violacea (Linnaeus, 1758)(as Apis Violaceae) (type host),
Xylocopa (Xylocopa) valga Gerstäcker, 1872
Xylocopa (Xylocopa) varentzowi Morawitz, 1895
Xylocopa (Proxylocopa) nitidiventris Smith, 1878
Xylocopa (Proxylocopa) przewalskyi Morawitz, 1886
Xylocopa (Copoxyla) turanica Morawitz, 1875
Xylocopa (Copoxyla) iris (Christ, 1791)
Polochrum repandum Spinola, 1806 (Hymenoptera, Sapygidae) (cleptoparasite of Xylocopa)
(Scopoli, 1763; Vitzthum, 1912c; Zachvatkin, 1941; Vicidomini, 2005)
Occasionally found phoretic on the following bee hosts:
Hoplitis princeps (Morawitz, 1872) (as Osmia princeps)
Osmia (Monosmia) apicata Smith, 1853(as Osmia macroglossa)
Megachile (Eutricharaea) leachella Curtis, 1828 (as Megachile argentata)
Anthophora (Paramegilla) balassogloi (Radoszkowski, 1876) (as Anthidium christofi F. Mor.)
(Zachvatkin, 1941)
Distribution (show map). "Carniola" (in modern Slovenia) (type locality), Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Iran, China (Donnadieu, 1868; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1878; Eyndhoven, 1941; Scopoli, 1763; Vicidomini & Meloni, 1999; Vitzthum, 1912c; Zachvatkin, 1941; Fain, 1981a), "All Europe" (Berlese, 1897), "All southern, central, and eastern Europe, up to 55°N; West and Central Asia up to Tibet and Gashun Gobi Desert (China) on the east and up to northern Iran to the south" (Zachvatkin, 1941).
Banks, N. 1902. New genera and species of acarians. The Canadian Entomologist.34: 171-176.
Berlese, A. 1884. Note relative agli Acari, Myriopodi e Scorpioni italiani (Note al Fascicolo XIII e XIV). Fasc. I. Padova: Premiata Tipografia Editrice F. Sachetto. 14 pp.
Berlese, A. 1885. Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Fasc. 18, n. 1. Padova: Premiata Tipografia Francesco Sachetto. (no page numbers) pp.
Berlese, A. 1892. Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Fasc. 65, n. 1. Tipografia del Seminario: Padova. (no page numbers) pp.
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B. OConnor and P. Klimov ©
Created: Jun 09, 2011
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