ODONATA Recorded from the
E.S. George Reserve
Livingston Co., Michigan
This list has been extracted from Francis Evans' records,
collections made by M. O'Brien and others, and Kormondy, 1958. I
doubt that it is complete.-- M.F. O'Brien
- Aeshnidae Aeshna clepsydra Say
- Aeshnidae Aeshna constricts Say
- Aeshnidae Aeshna mutata Hagen
- Aeshnidae Aeshna umbrosa Walker
- Aeshnidae Aeshna verticalis Hagen
- Aeshnidae Anax junius Drury
- Aeshnidae Anax longipes Hagen (newly recorded for MI,
- Aeshnidae Basiaeshna janata Say
- Aeshnidae Epiaeschna heros (F.) (new record, 1996)
- Macromiidae Didymops transversa (Say)
- Corduliidae Dorocordulia libera (Selys)
- Corduliidae Epitheca cynosura Say
- Corduliidae Epitheca princeps (Hagen)
- Corduliidae Somatochlora kennedyi Walker
- Gomphidae Dromogomphus spinosus Selys
- Gomphidae Gomphus exilis Selys
- Gomphidae Gomphus furcifer Hagen
- Gomphidae Gomphus lividus Selys
- Gomphidae Gomphus spicatus Hagen
- Libellulidae Celithemis elisa Hagen
- Libellulidae Celithemis eponina Drury
- Libellulidae Celithemis monomelaena Williamson
- Libellulidae Erythemis simplicicollis Say
- Libellulidae Leucorrhinia intacta Hagen
- Libellulidae Libellula cyanea Fabr.
- Libellulidae Libellula julia (Uhler)
- Libellulidae Libellula luctuosa Burm.
- Libellulidae Libellula lydia (Drury)
- Libellulidae Libellula pulchella Drury
- Libellulidae Libellula quadrimaculata L.
- Libellulidae Perithemis tenera Say
- Libellulidae Sympetrum internum Montgomery
- Libellulidae Sympetrum obtrusum Hagen
- Libellulidae Sympetrum rubicundulum Say
- Libellulidae Sympetrum semicinctum Say
- Libellulidae Sympetrum vicinum Hagen
- Libellulidae Tramea lacerata Hagen
- Calopterygidae Calopteryx maculata Beauv.
- Lestidae Lestes congener Hagen
- Lestidae Lestes disjuncta Selys
- Lestidae Lestes dryas Kirby
- Lestidae Lestes forcipulatus Rambur
- Lestidae Lestes rectangularis Say
- Lestidae Lestes unguiculatus Hagen
- Lestidae Lestes vigilax Hagen
- Coenagrionidae Argia violacea Hagen
- Coenagrionidae Chromagrion conditum (Hagen)
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma aspersum (Hagen)
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma boreale Selys
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma civile (Hagen)
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma carunculatum Morse
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma divagans Selys
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma ebrium (Hagen)
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma geminatum Kellicott
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma hageni (Walsh)
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma traviatum (Selys)
- Coenagrionidae Enallagma cyathigerum vernale Gloyd
- Coenagrionidae Ischnura verticalis (Say)
- Coenagrionidae Nehallenia gracilis Morse
- Coenagrionidae Nehallenia irene Hagen
This web page maintained by Mark F. O'Brien,
last updated 03/16/98