Bee Mites : Acari : Parasitiformes : Mesostigmata : Parasitidae : Parasitus
Parasitus fimetorum Berlese, 1904
Gamasus fimetorum Berlese, 1904: 238.
Parasitus fimetorum: Hyatt, 1980: 271, Figs 12-14 (his synonymy); Richards, 1976: 741; Richards and Richards, 1976: 1.
Parasitus (Coleogamasus) fimetorum: Tichomirov, 1977: 86, Figs 36,9; 37,9.
Parasitus fimestorum [lapsus pro fimetorum]: Gu et al., 1987: 41.
Phorytocarpais fimetorum: Hennesey and Farrier, 1988: 10, Figs 4-6.
Gamasus posticatus Banks, 1910: 137, Fig. 10, 3,8 (synonymized by Hennesey and Farrier, 1988).
Material. 4 deutonymphs (2 slides) from USA (Michigan) [not processed].
Hosts. (only North American records).
Bombus (Bombus) terricola Kirby, 1837 (as occidentalis)
Bombus (Cullumanobombus) rufocinctus Cresson, 1863
Bombus (Fervidobombus) fervidus (Fabricius, 1798) (as californicus)
Bombus (Fervidobombus) pensylvanicus (De Geer, 1773) (as americanorum) (first record)
Bombus (Pyrobombus) bifarius Cresson, 1878
Bombus (Pyrobombus) flavifrons Cresson, 1863
Bombus (Pyrobombus) frigidus Smith, 1854
Bombus (Pyrobombus) huntii Greene, 1860
Bombus (Pyrobombus) mixtus Cresson, 1878
Bombus (Pyrobombus) ternarius Say, 1837
Bombus (Pyrobombus) vagans Smith, 1854
Bombus (Subterraneobombus) appositus Cresson, 1878
(Richards and Richards, 1976)
Distribution. USA; Michigan; Canada: Alberta; Iceland, British Isles, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy (type locality); Poland; former USSR, including Western Siberia; Iran (beehives); China: Yunnan Prov.; Australia (Gu et al., 1987; Richards 1976; Mosaddegh, 1997; Wallace and Holm, 1985).
Biology. Parasitus fimetorum is a common inhabitant of compost, rotting vegetation, manure, dung, and subterranean nests of small mammals, and also occasionally bumblebee, bird nests, and beehives. Deutonymphs are phoretic on coprophagous and necrophagous beetles, Aphodius, Geotrupes (Coleoptera: Scarabaidae), Nicrophorus (Silphidae), and Atholus (Histeridae). In the United States, Canada, and Europe, this species was found in bumbleebee nests, but not on the bees. Thus, it likely does not have any specific relationships to bumblebees (Hyatt, 1980; Richards, 1976).
B. OConnor and P. Klimov ©
Created: April 25, 2012
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