Neohypoaspis ampliseta Delfinado-Baker, Baker and Roubik, 1983
Neohypoaspis ampliseta Delfinado-Baker et al., 1983: 197, Figs 1-21 (female holotype and paratypes in USNM).
Trigona fulviventris Guérin-Méneville, 1844
Trigona hypogea Silvestri, 1902 (type species)
Distribution. Panama: Panama Prov. (type locality).
Biology. This species occurs in great numbers in the outer sheath of the nests of two species of stingless bees, Trigona fulviventris and Trigona hypogea. It is worth noting that the last bee species is obligate necrophage (Camargo, 1991). The mites were located in the base of the nests, often in areas that can not be reached by the bees. It was shown in the laboratory, that these mites are predators on astigmatid mites normally found in the nests and do not consume pollen or honey. Thus, Neohypoaspis ampliseta is probably beneficial for its bee hosts (Delfinado-Baker et al., 1983).